how to be a woman
i was born into a world of
glitter and pink
barbie dolls and baby dolls
and men who would call you pet names
without bothering to raise their line of vision
even a foot north of your chest
i was born into a world where
concepts of "womanhood"
were equated with being
something to look at
with being silent
i was born into a world where
i was told to be grateful
for the way men whistled at me
making obscene comments and gestures
degrading me from person to object
something to be desired
not someone to respect
i was taught to walk the short distance
through the parking lot with the car keys
held between my fingers as an ever-ready weapon
in case i needed to gauge an attacker's eyes out
i was encouraged to carry pepper spray
taught ways to identify a rapist
but never ways to trust a lover
or how to react to subtle misogyny
i was born into a world where
"feminist" is just as offensive as "cunt"
and your looks were equated with your worth
god forbid you were
well educated
god forbid you were anything but
i write this poem in the past tense
not because none of these things exist in my present
i see hate and ignorance as often as i see neutral colored cars
but i write in the hope that one day
i can look back
and be grateful for how much things have changed.
i was born into a world
where i am lesser just because i was born with a vagina
but i was also born into a world that
is not immune to change.