How Bad Could it Be?
I fear I may be crazy
I am told as much by those closest
I fear I may be insane
I cannot quite recollect being any different
Though once I must have been
I know I mumble and mutter more than I used to
I notice that my imagination often takes hold
when it would be better silent
I notice that people seem to stare when I pass by
My memory is not so sharp
I often find myself in places I don't remember going
I lose time as though it were tangible and close
Often when I think only a moment has passed,
I find hours have slipped by
Understanding, I am lacking
Fear is slowly mounting
Is it just the trauma
of accidents plenty and assaults many?
Is it the stress that life is heaping toward me
What has happened
I must have missed it
but there is no rewind button now
no way to make the clock reverse
what once was is no longer
so there is only one solution
I must embrace everything that comes
I must make it through this time
perhaps it is just a phase
even a life sentence must have some perks
I have no option
I'll just have to wait
I'll just have to see
How bad could it possibly be?