
I sat there, looking at the hopeless sky. Waiting hopelessly just like the sky.

But waiting for what? I’m just a boy. A boy who caught fireflies at midnight and told knock knock jokes at dawn and played pranks on the neighbors when time wasn’t around.

Or did I?

Is that what happened? The face I had then doesn’t feel like the one I have now.

Maybe I’m not that boy anymore.

Is my body deserted? Wandering restlessly in the wilderness of the entrapment called reality?

Furrows and crevices that scar my skin, red with memory and black with oblivion. Colors unknown and colors known, loud and bright or dull and quiet…or all they just meaningless blots that represent the unconscious dreams we have.

The unconscious dreams we know will never come to exist.

A dream unwanted, a dream wanted…what difference does it make. Dreams come and go. Like the passing of the tide or the passing of an age.

When an old man is taken to the grave, they cry. But when a dream is buried, why is it that no one cries?

What should you cry about? We cry at sappy movies and cute puppies and animal commercials and beautiful sunrises and funerals and weddings…

But we don’t cry when a boy tears apart his insides searching for a broken dream, trying to scrape the remnants back together. He doesn’t care how many cuts and bruises he gets searching for his dream…because dreams are important, although highly ignored.

Dreams…the wispy hands of angels. The silky words of siren songs. The fragmented beauty of a mermaid’s skin.

But…aren’t we all just fragments? Sentences with misplaced conjunctions and question marks.

Cross my T’s and dot my I’s. Play tic tac toe with my skin, like the world did with my sanity.

Pin me with needles like a rag doll, sew my eyes back together. And dot them while you’re at it. Maybe you can do a better job than I.

Wash me away with the river. Let the water tide across my skin.

Dissolve my being like my soul did oh so long ago.

Relive my death like a playback on TV.

Tune in and watch it on Channel 8-05 at 19:98 P.M.

Reunite me with my hollowed out shell. Let me disappear into the darkness and close my eyes.

Maybe sleep will grant me peace…


Maybe it will…





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