Hoof Prints in my Heart
My Dearest Cricket,
I remember the day I met you like it was yesterday. You were in one of the stalls when we walked in. Before even knowing you were the one we had planned on meeting, I was drawn to you. Little did I know, that you would soon change my life completely. Before you, I would've never have imagined myself loving a horse this much. I have so many great memories of us together. One of my favorites was the day you ran to me to seek comfort after the truck scared you in the barn. There was no way of you knowing how happy some of the little things you did made me feel. Every morning, as soon as I would open the door, you would pick up your head and look at me. Then you would run to the corner and neigh at me while I brought your food. No matter how many times I saw this, I couldn't help but smile. The one thing I’ll never forget is the feeling I got when I looked into your eyes. It was as if you could look into my soul and heal all my problems. I would look at you and realize I could never love something more than I do you. I could never thank you enough for everything you have taught me. You made me a better rider and taught me everything I know about running barrels. You also made me a better person. You showed me what true love was. You taught me about trust and faith. You made me a more positive person. You put joy in my heart. I wish you could know how happy I got when I talked to other people about you. I loved telling people about how handsome and wonderful you are. Thank you for protecting me. You never tried to do anything that would hurt me because you trusted that I would do the same for you. I don’t think anyone will truly understand the connection I had with you because you were more than just my horse. You were my best friend. You were there when I needed someone to talk to. You understood how I was feeling. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a great horse. You were a part of my family. God blessed me when he gave me you. I don't think I will ever understand why this had to happen. Even though our time together was short, our memories will last a lifetime. Forever wouldn't have even been long enough with you. I can not wait until the day I will get to see you again. Until then, I know you are one of God’s angels in heaven running and playing in a field of beautiful grass somewhere. I hope you never forget me and how much you meant to me. You were the best thing that I've ever had and nothing will ever replace you.
I love you so much Cricket Duke