My body is my home.
My source of comfort and stability.
I keep the standard rusty almond colored fence pieces close together so no one can see in.
I like to keep my standards untenably high.
You can see A huge beautiful garden between the cracks in my fence posts if you angle your head just right.
I keep the gate locked with 3 locks but I keep one unlocked so its a puzzle to enter my life.
You can barely see the small house I have carefully hidden, even when standing in my yard.
I have Placed my hobbit sized door between my shoulder and waist.
The creatures like scurrying around the bird bath located 3 memories away from my elbows.
The birds cure me of loneliness because they are one of the only creatures than can fly over my large wooden barriers.
Just follow the rows of roses with the sharpest thorns to the door.
They are next to my funny bone
I laugh so no one can hear the gates opening in sorrow.
I use them as a moat to get lost in just in case the few guests that make it in, try to touch me.
Only If I tell you of my entrance, you will find the door but don't touch the paint.
It's wet.
I spent months scrapping the walls clean of his fingerprints.
I washed away his scent with the garden hose located in my tear ducts.
I tried to paint over his words.
I made a bonfire out of the clothes he left in the memory foam bed we used to watch tv in.
I tried to ring him out of my house.
But if you listen closely, his laughter still echo's in the hall like a theme song I cant take off loop.
His reflection has stained the bathroom mirror.
I cant scrub him out of the tiles.
I tried to change the wallpaper but its never enough.
I don't recognize the building I wake up ln.
I don't know how to leave these walls.
I don't know how to check the mailbox for your letters so I never respond.
I can't abandon my body, my home, my life.
I cant leave, because I'm the only one that bothered to stay