Hold On


United States
29° 40' 44.454" N, 95° 6' 42.9876" W

For the children bruised by words or hand
Or young ones who are tempted by life’s demand,
The road may seem ragged, dreary, and long,
But be strong and know that after trial comes joy.
There is hope for those who hold on.

For the soldiers who strive to fight the last fight
Or the hardworking fathers struggling to see the light,
A day will soon come with no worry or fear.
As sure as the dawn breaks every single morn,
There is hope for those who hold on.

For the sick ones lost deep within sin
Or those who feel too wrong to be right again,
Know that One paid for every act we commit,
Through His death we have peace and faith for the end.
Hope has come for those who held on.


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741