His Way
His way
they sat there
in silence helpless,heartless, broken,lost
he would scream, they would hide
it was a horrid game of hide and seek
“Run!” the little ones cried out
“Please stop!” the older woman would yell
rampage a lost soul captured by corruption
violence takes over the successful mind
“You don’t have to do this”
the trembling voice called
a black eye given for the advice
a busted lip for speaking out of turn
she sat there crying on the floor
blood hitting the surface of the carpet
a heavy duty clean up job at the end of the day
it was hers to clean
making clear
shouting and striking everything in anger
things must go his way
things will always go his way
no one is there
no one ever responds
this continues never to end
they dont care
this phase is on going
their hope gone
faith broken
no sleep they can’t bare it
its too much paradise to not have his ways in their dreams
there to far gone brainwashed
his way always true
his way we follow thru