People laugh
The boy runs through the hall trying to get away
Away from all the hurtful words flying his way
How, how could people be so cruel?
Every day the same scene
The world is stuck on replay
Replay of the same terrible high school day
But I have it better off than Him
He runs through the halls
Is shoved into lockers
Eats all alone
While people laugh
Laugh at the things they don't understand
Because they have to get the upper hand
Every day the same story unravels
And every day I don't step in
I think the thoughts every other outsider thinks
I'm only one person, how could I possibly help Him?
There's only four more years for Him in this place
But one day I thought, why?
Why should I let Him go through this?
Because I'm scared?
Scared they will turn their wrath on me?
Because I'm only one person?
I may only be one person but I have a voice
A voice that may not be able to change this world
But I can try
I walk into the school and see Him heading my way
Running through the hall trying to get away
Away from all the hurtful words flying his way
But this time it wasn't the same scene
Because I tried
I stepped in and said, Hey
Stop being so mean to him
The crowd stared at me
And He stopped running and looked at me
Smiled at me and mouthed thank you
I may only be one person but I started a movement
Others started thinking
Others started speaking out
You may only be one person
But He needs someone
And if you aren't there for Him
Who will be?