Confined in cement walls.
Education hints while obstacles radiate.
Shells of students carrying lost souls roam.
The givers of knowledge lack in understanding, passion, and a belief in their job.
Learning takes fourth priority, and insecurity and socializing rule.
I find that I think of this instituion as a mandatory ride of passage.
A place to be served letter so I can secure my spot in earning a real education.
Confused Young "Adult" Daycare.
"To prepare them."
Most get lost among the halls.
Defined by four years of insufficent help and support.
Determined and measured by their acceptance of the system of bullshit and how well they can play.
I myself have straight A's, but I myself have learned just as much as the guy who flunked his classes.
Facing each day with thinking it's a chance to be judged, insulted, laughed at, not to learn.
This institution puts us in institutions.
This poem is about:
My community
My country