Hide and Seek
Colors: I love them
Yet it's something I'm afraid to wear
Vibrant and bright - saturation so high it calls to the eye
Or dull and shadowed - strong and firm and filled with control
I will not hesitate to use them
To color my world with bright pinks and reds,
Fresh greens, or
Liberating blues
I will surround myself with people as red as anger
And as orange as meloncholy
And as purple as self-righteousness
And as steely grey as knowledge
I will taste food and categoize by the flavor
Flaming Burgundy
Fruity Fuschia
Bitter Teal
I want color everywhere
In every sense
In every touch, smell, sound, thought, taste, sight
But me
I dress in clothes as dark as the abyss
And as dull as granite
I'm a canvas dunked in Abscense
Dark, cold, and aloof
One day, I'll summon the strength and courage
To scrape the Nothing from me and
Reveal what I hide from the world
I'll wear my senses and carry on
Free and Liberated