The Hidden Secrets.
In a world of happiness, a world of healing.In a world where I try to forget, a world that I cry within.In a world with too many memories, a world with too much pain.Where I can create a river, with a single picture.A picture of death, but this picture is not a selfie.But rather it is a photo, of a dear friend.One that left this world, forever…One that had lived such a small time, one who had all of their life stolen.By the one they trusted, by one of their dear friends.Such an amazing life, taken by me.Taken not by accident, but do not be mistaken.If i could i would change it all, so that they would stay.Even if the cost of such was myself, I regret it all.I am filled with so much hidden pain, hidden scars from too many mistakes.And I dream every so often of them, standing in front of me.As I plead for forgiveness and beg them to come back.So often do I break down in tears, wishing that it was all a dream.So often do I remember them, so often do I miss them