Here's to the Days
Here's to the bad days
to the days that end with you in tears
or nearly
To the days that make you wish
you'd wake up to discover it was a dream
and that the day hadn't been lived yet
to the days that make you forget yourself
and pray to a deity you don't believe in
or forget that yours exists
Here's to the bad days
that start with dumping coffee on a white shirt
And end with you dropping your phone in a puddle
here's the bad days
that start with getting lost in an unfamiliar place
and end with at least one of us broken
Here's the bad days
Where you forget everything
from how many fingers you have
To your child in the supermarket
here's to the bad days.
Here's to the eh days
to the days that pass without comment
to the days that contain nothing more incredible
than the simple fact that you woke up for them
here's to the eh days
that contain nothing more remarkable than dirt,
and are just as common
here's the eh days
Here's to the good days
to the days that your hair looks freaking fantastic
without you trying
to the days that you remembered
everything you needed
here's to the good days
to the days
your toast didn't burn, and your eggs were just right
here's to the good days
The days that you woke up
on the right side of the bed for
and was okay with being up that early
here's to the good days
the days you don't have to second-guess your answers
to the days that you got this
here's to the days
that your homework is on time
your car starts on the first try
and your teeth stay in your mouth the whole day
Here's to the good days.
Here's to the great days
to the days you win the game
the days you don't have homework
to the days when the weather is just right
Here's to the great days
the days where you got enough sleep
to the days you get the "A" you deserve
here's the great days
where everything you eat is delicious
and everything you do succeeds
here's to the great days
to the days you tried something new
and to the days no one forgot your name
To the days that you feel like a genius
or maybe you wouldn't go that far
Here's to the great days
To the days a stranger calls you beautiful
and someone else tells you to have a lovely day
Here's to the great days.
Here's to the days
That we lived.