Her Inner Beauty By: C.E
The social media see's her hidden behind a special feature something we call a filter
Disabling them to see what she truly possess because such things shield her
Like after like feeding her ego
But little does she know
They only dig her deeper into what the people say she should be
If only she could see
Her true beauty
Slowly she feels the pain
As her tears fall and stain
Her high cheeks like mountain tops
Her skin like Hershey's kisses drops
Deep down she knows she's worth something
Deep down she knows she's beautiful
But why and how?
She cannot take it she must find the answers to such questions now
So let's see
Going on a self-reflection journey
She has wits out of this world
A light that shines as if it was lit by God himself
Her willingness to forgive
Allows her to achieve and live
With her bold black eyes she has a vision
With such determination she will complete her mission
Fearless of none
She is superwoman
With a cape around her heart only she can feel
The pulsating of her rich blood lets her know its real
Nothing can stop her for she is the master of her craft
Even if some may laugh
She knows what she has
An inner beauty one like no other
Encouraged by such a strong mother
Till the end she will strive
As if a butterfly she will fly
Like no other this is her inner beauty.