Helpless Struggle
I woke up alarmed, the darkness asked to come in.
"The devil lives inside of me" she said with a crooked grin.
I looked into her bloodshot eyes, no soul within.
She grew quick to anger and drool came pouring from her chin.
Belligerent she became seconds after answering the door.
I begged her to stop and I pleaded for no more.
She insisted I was the problem, wishing to even the score.
Her heavy head soon laid flat on the floor.
A struggle with the devil I wished to an end.
A battle between good and evil I knew I could not win.
I remain powerless as the devil stands angry.
I know that there is always a strong presence with me.
I am protected and she will never strike,
For I am loved and the devil is very little liked.
Her pity is used as a clever tactic.
She wants to disguise her evil manic.
An enemy and a foe I desire to not know.
The longer she is with me the stronger I will grow.