Hello Shadow
Hello shadow.
You go unnoticed
You fear that you're easily forgotten
That people could care less
Like you're scrap paper, crumpled up and trashed
That if you left, nothing would change
Or worse - things would get better.
But I see you.
I see you,
I know you,
I love you.
You? Yes, you.
Hiding in the background
Naturally blending in with the shades
And I can say that I love you because
I've been watching.
When you thought no one heard
I leaned in and listened
When you thought you were alone
I extended my hand
When you thought yourself unnoticed
I gave you a standing ovation
When you were gone
I felt empty.
And now, here you are,
Trying to fade even from me
But it's too late
Because I see you
I see you,
I know you,
I love you.
You aren't just a shadow,
But a soul
A good, well-rounded soul
Surprising. Inspiring even.
You are the light.
The light that warms me
Your silence speaks volumes
Your mind could paint masterpieces
The lilt of your voice is soothing
To say the very least
Oh, to hear you talk
To see you speak your mind
And say what you really feel