Heart Song (A Dedication) By Arcade.Soul
There is a collection of souls that dance to the drums of heart beats
These heart beats belong to the slain, to the bodies they once called home
The sky will weep for you, washing away the blood in the streets
Carried out as sacrifices for the sake of hate
This earth will mourn for you
The roots will grow deeper for you
The sky will seem darker at night for the ones you love and that love you in return
But in the morning, the sun will appear brighter and memories will become vivid
The wind will grow stronger and carry with it, the sediments of your existence
Worry not, for the ones you've left, for time has a way of healing
Our souls have a way of feeling
I cried while writing this, so my tears cover these words, they soak the syntax
My heart is heavy, but my soul is light, knowing that yours have taken flight
We won’t be able to tell your stories, but we will stand under your light
We will smile under your presence
We will walk and live in the rhythm of your heart beats
We will forever feel your PULSE