From a Heart No Longer Bleeding
I was once misguided by the words, “ I love you”.
Followed where they lead,
bled until they turned me.
Soaked my nights in silent tears.
Torn away at the seams,
stitch by stitch I unraveled.
Friends and family were now my enemy,
no longer my safety.
Heart no longer in safe keeping,
he never loved me.
I suppose I always knew this fact from the start,
A fickle thing- the heart.
Brought to the brink of insanity,
“Don’t you love me?”
“If you loved me…”
Strike the man with the silver tongue where he stands,
stay idle to the one who demands.
Head the warning of those once broken,
they are your friends.
He never vowed to be my best friend,
never offered his respect.
Never spoke the truth.
Offering only fallacies,
filled my head with delusion.
Always cloudy,
Mind constantly drowning.
But you,
Clarity when the ground seems shaky,
offering reasoning.
You say the words I love you,
I believe.
I believe,
not for the words,
the beauty in how they’re spoken.
Words without manipulation,
without bad intention.
Hands intertwined and mine stay steady,
you stop their shaking.
My stability,
you have defined the word love.
Support and honestly,
I love you at full capacity.
With anxiety,
You are my insight.
you are my greatest supporter.
I am glad to have you on my team,
that’s what a healthy relationship means.