
You chew the headphones, lost in thought

Say I, why?

Because it's like a lullabye

Chewing on these headphone cords, 

While with my fingers I twist and pull

Kinetic steroids, the intravenous tube

to the soul.

And the depth in my ears monitors how long I'll stay hospitalized

For need of perfect melody

A Bohemian Rhapsody

Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, 

Blink 182 with melody woven

Of sunsets and lullabyes, that I sway with

White snakes with breakups and tears goodbye, 

wrapped around my neck morning after

The physical reminder

Why do the seasons requisitesuch sensory interaction?

Summer storms and with winter, fall

I listem to music's four seasons wrapped around my fingers

I clamp them down in my jaw, taste temperment

Stand there enthralled.

I love it all.


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