Have you ever noticed
Have you ever Noticed,
The senses of the Words?
Have you ever seen those,
Who disappear to other Worlds?
Worlds that come from words.
Worlds that don't exist.
Created by the Thoughtful mind.
Created just for You.
But have you ever wondered,
Of the Synesthesia
Of words?
Allow me to explain.
I tell you of a Story.
I tell you of a Tale.
All that you may Hear,
Is me.
But what you Understand?
Tis you.
I explain to you a River.
I explain to you a Brook.
I have merely Spoken words,
But is that all I've said?
At the mention of the River,
And the mention of the Brook,
Two simple words,
Of simple Thought;
What is that you Hear?
For however Brief the Moment,
For however Small the Space,
With just one word,
This; "River,"
You are in another place.
In an instant then you see,
The water Running by.
And in that moment also,
Hear the water Laugh and Cry.
You Stand along its Banks,
Or even in its Depths.
You feel the River Flowing,
Tugging at your Ankles,
Demanding that you Play.
You see the Sky above,
And the Forest all around,
Or possibly the Meadow,
Perhaps Nothing round at all.
You now can smell the Freshness,
Of water Clean and Pure.
Or mayhap you Smell the Garbage,
For a Dump is surely near.
And of course there are the Birds,
The Bugs and Flies and Bees,
The Chirping of the Crickets,
The Silence of the Frogs.
The water now is cool,
The laziness inviting.
But also you may see,
A River rather frightning.
This River may not laugh,
But Roar!
Hungry all about,
Wanting nothing more from you,
Than to carry on without.
Yet whatever there you see,
Of the River, of the Brook,
Ask yourself this question;
If a word means nothing,
And has no proper sense,
If reading gives no pleasure,
And Time makes perfect sense,
Then how is it that lo,
For a moment there, perhaps,
With just one word, of "River,"
You stood upon its banks?