Have I Lived?
Have I lived so long, as I have lived today?
For it seems to me,
That as the hour swings near,
Journey's End, comes to a close.
It was on this day that I reflected,
Once on my youth,
When all things were young and fresh and full of fun;
Once on my teen life,
When all things seemed promising, and yet terrifying;
Once on my adult hood,
When life was both grand and a bit overwhelming (for life is indeed a difficult thing to overcome);
And once on my senior years,
When again all things seemed young and fresh and full of fun;
Except for I;
Who seemed to be no longer young and fresh and full of fun,
But rather -
Old and Wise and full of love.
Love does not die with age.
In fact it grows stronger till it encompasses our ENTIRE being,
And finally - we are complete.
And this means we must leave.
For once we are complete we are ready to accept God's Love.
And this is not a sad thing.
Have I lived, SO long, as I have lived today?
It seems I have.
And finally - it is over.