Real quick
Dem dark clouds, they washed away.
You peeped me rolling in the deep.
Saw me gasping for air on a Thursday;
And still, you stood steady, watching over me.
No phone call home;
No text from friends.
No cash to meet my ends,
Aint no food to eat again...
But its all good.
We fast, right?
Felt the tention rising up.
Yall been guessing incorrectly.
About a girl like me:
Standing firm in my beliefs.
Stop trying to make haste hate;
Won't sit back and partake in the way,
you slay folks with words ..
Oh, dont you know that it hurts?
(We aint never been perfect)
Those words are powerful and if they aint filled with Love,
Then what?
What do you want?
To hurt me..
Called me obsolete, apparently not capable of functioning.
Well, you got it wrong SON.
Salts of the earth still seasoning.