Have you ever just wanted to climb
Climb a building all the ways to the top and just
Just to remind your lungs
That they could breath
To remind yourself that you yourself have a voice
And as you scream until
Ever fiber of your being can remind itself of who you are
You think of everything and everyone who has ever tried to do you wrong
Screaming and hoping if the world could just answer
For you are just hoping that the world would would help you contemplate
The things that our own generation creates
For how we make everything we say have such a different meaning
For when I say Netflix and chill
Don’t get in my pants
Let's actually Netflix and chill
For #ICannotEven understand what my generation has become anymore
Whatever happened to writing a note to your crush
Asking, will you go out with me, check
Yes? No? Maybe?
Hey, are we doing it or naw
And for the new generation
Who just want to put on their big boy pants
Programmed by who knows what to grow up so fast
Just wanting to grab them by the hand
To tell them to yolo
For we are not born and thrown into adulthood
We are born to have a childhood
Then to become an adult
Sure growing up does sound pretty lit
But is it worth forgetting that child
Is it truly really worth it
So as you're standing
On top of this building
The screaming dies
Your lungs breathe
Your voice sore but still there
You're here
But still unanswered
Everything is still changing
Without an answer to anything