The Harmony of Marley


Money is impossible as a musician, people say

A real job would be better for you

Relying on others is your destiny

Live through the actions of your parents instead

Enjoy making music in your freetime

You will never make a living out of it


Music seeps through my veins

Across the cello strings my bow pulls

Reenacting my emotions as I feel

Loving each and every note

Enveloping the hearts of those around me

Yearning to make an impact


Making others happy used to be my motto

Actions influenced by thoughts of others

Relying on constant positive feedback

Lacking belief and confidence in myself

Ending my career as a musician was considered

Yelling and crying were often present


Mature actions now drive my life

An opinion of another taken with a grain of salt

Real happiness found through music 

Living the way I am destined to live

Entwining my unique sound with others

Youthfulness is not stopping me


Maybe I could be the next Yo-Yo Ma

An inspiration to younger musicians

Realizing now that every opportunity counts

Little coffee shops to Carnegie Hall

Ending every performance more thankful than ever

Yelling out of failure no longer existing 


My name is Marley

A girl with a passion for music

Running from the negatives and following my dreams

Lack of successful musicians driving me more

Enjoying every turn along the way

Yes, I have grown up and glowed up




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