Harmonic Utopia
If I could change one thing...
I would make the world sing.
Speaking note by note, phrase by phrase:
Joined by a single language;
All working together in the formation of an ideal acoustical image.
If I could create a clean slate...
This damaging society would be free of hate.
These tacit codes - rewritten,
Each soul - free of ridicule,
And no person could be thought a fool.
If I could remove unrealistic fallacy...
We could be exactly who we wanted to be;
And not fear what others think.
We would never be in the wrong;
And released from the bindings that prevent our own song.
If I could throw away all regrets...
My future would no longer be littered with potential threats.
My mind would be clear.
I could forget the past
And my happiness would forever last.
If I can change these things...
This will be a better place for all human beings.
Individualism will be celebrated.
One or two pieces may clash horribly;
But as a whole, every little part joins together in perfect harmony.