A Happy Story, Not An Ending
They want a happy ending
As if endings could ever be so
A sparkly wedding
And a “Happily ever after”
Do not a happy ending grow.
A piano cannot be without black keys
A painting must have its shadow
Else they are flat as the princess’s pea
But the waiting, the waiting
Alone in a kitchen or tower
Miserable until the ending
Is it worth the empty prize
Or never wilting flower?
No, give me stepsisters that talk at night
Sneak snacks and chores and little side glances
Because there are three girls, together, in this plight
Give me a mermaid who takes up sign language
A princess who banters with her prince
Give me awkward first kisses and confusing feelings
Give me people learning and living and loving
Then I’ll be content with their ever after.