A Happy End
Teachers will never know
All the troubles that we endure
Simply to stay at the top
Of the list of all our competing peers
We have nothing to guide us there
We simply have to take a leap of faith
And hope that we are good enough
To be recognized for our hard work
But it seems as though we are never good enough
To get that "A" or have an amazing G.P.A.
Something always gets in the way
And we have no choice but to hope it doesn't stay
That's how high school is though
You try and try only to fail
But that failure is what drives us forward
To one day succeed past everyone's expectations
No one knows what fuels us
But we all know it's our determination
To prove to everyone that yes, we are capable
And no, we will not give up
Our education is our everything
And if we let go too soon
Our lives will be at stake
So we continue to move forward and stay positive
As much as our time allows us
But at some point we lose some hope
And pick ourselves up from yet another slump
Only to get up and try again
Hoping for a happy end