A Happily Ever After
All fairy tales start with “Once upon a time”
And end with “And they lived happily ever after.”
As a child, I believed that’s how life worked
That once you find your prince charming
Everything would just settle into place
And you would just ride off into the sunset together
But that’s not real
There is no happily ever after in real life
Life is a constant rollercoaster of ups
And downs
And ups
And downs
But no one would want to read about that
Can you imagine such a story?
The continuation of Cinderella’s life
Or Belle’s
Or Snow White’s
All the way until they die
It would be filled with a whole lot of mundane stuff
And it’d probably be 80 books long
Maybe in an alternate universe
All of our favorite characters are living happily
Maybe a happily ever after does exist for them
If so
I am incredibly jealous