
The leaves are beginning to change colors as they slowly start to fall and hit the ground,

And the smell of pumpkins and fear fill the air and it travels in the wind all around.

The everyday Autumn pumpkins are now carved to be scary jack-o-lanterns,

And the ordinary orange surface now has a face that is filled out with scary patterns.

The wind scares you as it howls and whips through you hair, 

And the children are all dressed up in their costumes as they try their best to scare. 

The trick-or-treaters are out and they are going from door to door,

And if you look up at the cloudy, grey sky, you can see the crows and the bats soar.

The zombies, clowns, monsters and ghosts all come out to play at night,

Everything seems normal during the day, but when they come out at night they are ready to cause a fright.

It is not a time for the people who are easily scared and it is not a time for the people that are faint at heart,

And if you are one of those people that are full of fear, now would be a good time to create a fresh start. 

It seems to be that all of your worst fears come true and that all of the horror movies are suddenly real,

And the paranoia becomes so strong and gets to your head that you don't know how to deal.

Everywhere you look it seems as if someone is chasing after you with a knife, 

And you run as fast as you can because your are in fear for the sake of your life.

The witches are on their brooms and flying over your head, directly over the moon,

And when they cast their spells, you are sure to meet your doom.

On mischief night all of the children come out to play and to start some trouble,

And when you wake up the next morning, you are left to deal with the remains of the rubble.

Everything leads up to the night of October 31st,

And some people stay out of sight, for the fear that they will be cursed. 

On Halloween night, all of your fears come true and it all leads up to this one night,

And when all of the monsters and ghouls come out, it is quite a sight.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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