Hallow the Hallow.
Hallow the hollow
For they’ve seen through
The shadows
And laughed at them.
Befriending the spirits
That pass through and
Call them “friend”.
Calling out to the voices,
Their only company as they
Stare with tearful eyes
At blank walls,
Blank spaces
Erasing their will to be.
Beastly, the darkness that
Ravages their souls.
In atrophy
Actually wasting away,
They sing.
Sing to the voices that coo at them
Mindful of their lapse from reality
They laugh, embracing their own mortality.
Hallow the hollow for they ache.
Ache with the force of a thousand
Black holes making a home
In their chest.
Wrists crying when they’re
Literally too sad for their eyes to.
When, sedated to the point of
Inaction, they fight
To fill their fragile lungs with oxygen.
Hallow the hollow for they know
The cool sting of death
And the drowsy numbness
That treads through raging waters
To escape it.