Gun to my head by: Luis V
Gun to my head by: Luis V
Gun to my head, I start to cry
Because I’m afraid I’ll lose my life
I ask the person whos pointing the gun to my head
Why are you doing this?
He says because it's about that time you join lizzy
I told him I don't want to join her not now, not ever
I want to live my life
I want to stop being in my thoughts about lizzy
I want to forget her
I just want to move on and be happy
So I tell you right now
Get the fuck out of my house and put that gun down
Because I have a gun of my own
He says oh yeah where is it
And then he turns his head to the right
He says my gun pointed at his head
He said when did you get that gun
I told him not to worry about it the point is I got it
So leave or I will shoot you down
I have so much anger if I shoot once I will shoot multiple times
I had this anger with me since I was a little boy
Now tell me do you want to die
Or do you want to live
He told me I’ll take my chances to die
But you have to remember you don’t have the balls to shoot me down
Like you did back in the day
I remember that one time where you mind had defense
And you shot everybody that tried to trespass
But remember that was the old you
That was the you who wasn’t a softy
Look at you now your a fucking softy
You lost those pair of balls you had to shoot a gun
Hell you haven’t picked a up a gun since then remember that
So you don't have the balls to shoot me now do you?
That may be true I haven't picked up a gun since then
That may ture I’ve gone soft
I've come to my senses and realize that I am a softy
Nothing can change that
Doesn't mean I won’t shoot you
So get out or die
He left
But then he pulled the trigger
The bullet hit my stomach
I see myself bleeding to death
But at my final moments I shoot him
I see the bullet and it hits him in the chest
His final words were
So you still have balls to shoot a gun.
I see the angel that was on my right shoulder return
He heals me and tells me
Everything is going to be ok so don’t worry you won't be dying today.