Grown (Not)
It has been a long time
Since the sun smiled,
Honored in the corners of my pictures by the yellowest crayon.
It has been a long time
Since the clouds were dense enough to carry me and my dreams,
Endless as the sky.
Nowadays the sun has been reduced to
A star, encased in science,
A foreigner to my imagination.
The clouds are a result of precipitation,
And nothing more.
I know that the cracks in the sidewalk
Won’t break my mother’s back.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t avoid them.
I’ll still smile at the sun,
It doesn’t need to smile back for me to
Have a good day.
And maybe someday
I won’t need to use my lungs to make clouds,
So I can carry my dreams on my own.
Who said I can’t be a kid
At the same time, I grow?
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