Growing Alongside My Mentor
A mentor is someone who shapes the mind,
Someone who helps the person to find
Who they are and who they want to be.
A mentor helps the person clearly see
All the ways that they will succeed.
A friend is someone who always stands by
Who will always look you straight in the eye
And always guide you in the direction
That will provide you the most protection,
Someone who you will always have a strong connection.
A soulmate is someone who will never leave your side,
No matter what, will be unified.
Someone who loves and cares, through thick and thin
Will love you in times of both virtue and sin,
Who has will always be there and has always been.
A brother is someone who protects you,
Who loves you and will see that through.
A brother is someone who knows inside and out
What you’ve been through and what you’re about.
Someone who will stick by during a homerun or a strikeout.
My mentor happens to be all of these,
He has helped me through situations of the highest degrees.
My closest friend for seventeen years,
We have shared the same favorites and fears,
The person from that I never want to veer.
My mentor, my brother, my friend and my soulmate.