Growing up
We grow up inspiring to be out of the ordinary, to aspire to be greater than others, but i notice some people stand alone and some ban together. No matter what, you have to work hard, there isnt any fairy god mother. Stress comes and goes sometimes you wish it away, i've noticed im no longer a child "can he play?" turns to "can you chill today?" im in another stage in my life, while drowning in confusion. My childhood is over but im still stuck in an illusion.
I wish i could keep certain feelings and whisp away others. im barely 16 and it seems like everyones obssesed with finding their next lover, All i want is my childhood back, even lying down with my mother, The nights i stayed up with tony, and even the nights when i was lonely. those days i miss. my ignorance was so very bliss. Those where better days...
Responsibiltys catching up with my anxiety, i see multiple friends living on "cloud ninety" trying to escape the truth. Aging is scary, closer to death, different phases look what was the aftermath, what was left? you're either strong or broken, successful or weak. You have to go through life to find your treat, theres always a moral of the story, so there has to be a peak. I've seen things, i've done things and yet im still under 18, my stance on life has changed it feels like a dream..
Growing up, no doubt is a scary thing......