Growing Up
Childhood Innocence is not something
That can be kept for forever
Though sometimes the world steals it away
Keeping us from personal endeavors.
Picture this, picture me;
A child, whose life has been hectic
Standing on the stairs, watching her mother cry
As her father goes away with the medics.
Her mother tells her to watch her siblings
As the ambulance rushes out into the night
This sinking feeling in her stomach
Promises something isn’t quite right.
Her father was sick with the c-word,
A word never said in their home
Like denial would make it disappear
Even though they knew it won’t.
It wasn’t supposed to be that way
She repeats to herself later on.
My life was supposed to be happy
And she resented the world so long.
She was a child then, and long after
She grew older and realized
The world is unfair, but life goes on,
And she saw everything with new eyes.
Things in life may happen and hurt
And may cause you to shut others out
But being able to deal with the pain and move on
Is what life is all about.
She grew up a little more that day
Learned adulthood isn’t as easy as it seemed
But she took in stride, put a smile on her face
And went on to live her dreams.