Growing Up
They told me I was smart.
They watched me tie my shoes
At age two,
And declared me gifted.
They told me I was beautiful.
They watched me smile
As I twirled in my new dress,
And declared me blessed.
They told me I was stubborn.
They watched me throw a tantrum
Because I wanted to close the garage door myself,
And declared me independent.
They told me I was artistic.
They watched me paint
A watercolor rendition of my cat,
And declared me talented.
They told me I was a leader.
They watched me boss the
Others kids around like slaves,
And declared me superior.
They told me I was athletic.
They watched me compete
Against girls twice my age,
And declared me a natural.
But they never told me not everything was innate.
They watched me battle
The habit they helped create,
And declared me naive.