The Green Light

A green light that has guided him
Guided him from the depths of despiar
From living in thunderous clouds
Cries that are louder than gods roar
He looks at that green light
As his guide
To get him back to something he knew
To get him to the future that is so true
A green light
Of so many symbols and aspirations
Lost in this great city of confrontation
Of money makers
And money takers
People who feed on the greed of others
If only just to be free for a moment
A moment of time where that green light
Isn't all they see
Savages beyond measure
Yet gentlemen with women as light as feathers
No food in their system yet they are so full
Full of all you could wish to consume
Money power and jewels
Glowing brighter than that green light
How could a society be so dark
Yet illuminated by such a powerfully bright sight
A light that drives everyone
From the God serving to the God cursing
From the top of the elites
To the broken soles of a poor mans feet
The broken soul within his chest
That he cannot retrieve, he is at his best
When that green light becomes a white one
When God is calling him
Telling he he need not be hungry
He need not be lost
That he will guide him
And keep him warm in the frost
Yet this young man
The man behind that green light
He chases for it
Reaches for it
But he will never reach it
For that same green light
Is sought by so many
Who all feel its their right
To have all they can a plenty
Shells whose only drive is that light
A light they hope will keep them warm
Make them whole
Close the holes
And bring back their souls
But the true owner of that green light
He just smiles
And laughs
At the despair of the mass
The masses of people all begging for a chance
To be in control of this glass
This glass light
For which can be aeen
From any part of the world, so green
So true, so deceitful
Yet one can only wonder
What it feels like to be the owner
Of a source so great
That it will move mountains
And seperate lakes
For a man will chase this green light
Till his last breath
Till his feet bleed
Till his family ia dead
And all thats left , is his greed
A green light
So in accesible yet so tangible
the young man can feel it in his hands
All that he lost is back once again
But only when the green light is his
Can he truly become what he sees fit
A man of power
A man of intelligence
One woman throw themselves at
One men curse for being a rat
For stealing from their noses
The same things they stole
That green light
That fabulously evil light
Full of genius and justice
Full of youth and growth
The true chalice
He holds its so close
Hoping this green light
Will cure his illnesses
And give him purpose
That he will have the willingness
To have a serveant
And have everyone else see what its like
To work 24 hour nights
For medium exchange of minimim wage
To go home hungry
And alone
Begging God to keep him strong
This green light he chases
Is so close to his reach
But yet so far
So he prays begging please
God let me become this vessel
Let this light be mine
For im just a man with a puzzle
For which you hold the grand design
May this green light fill me
Like the spirit of you
And bring me to the end
Of all my woes and dues.


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