Grandpa You Inspire Me To Fly
Dear Grandpa Reuben,
I know we never met
And know that we never may
But I want you to know this:
You’ve always been an inspiration
And a guiding light.
Even if you were gone before I was born
I know we never met,
But I think you’d be proud
Even if I have made stupid choices
But then again, who hasn’t?
I have your name
In a roundabout way
But this little bird embraces it.
Not every kid gets to know their great grandparents,
I know I didn’t get to know you
At least not in person,
But what Grandma Maria told me
And what Mom has said
You were an amazing man
Who I can only hope to be half the person you were.
People ask me,
“Why do you let someone you never knew
Inspire you to do something great
When you never know if they’ll be proud?”
And I say,
“Why not?”
Inspiration comes from every where
So why not let a family member
Who I was named for
Be my inspiration?
Maybe we’ll actually meet one day
But until then,
I’m going to live my life
And do everything I can
To make you proud one day.
I love you very much.
-Your Little Bird.