Grandpa Steve Holds My Childhood in His Hands
I come from an Old Farmhouse
and Woods that the 6 of us ran through for 7 acres
I come from Raspberry bushes, Tall oak trees
and tapping Maples in the Fall
I come from Raking leaves only to Jump in the pile
and stuffing Gold and Red ones into an old shirt and jeans to make a Scarecrow
I come from Dirt pancakes baking on the driveway
and crunchy wind-dried Towels
I come from, “if it’s not nice, don’t say it.”
and “hug your brother on the bottom step until you’ve made up”
I come from a family that extends beyond Blood
and dry Sarcasm happily Married to every conversation
I come from two best friends named Emily,
and my Godmother singing at Church on Sunday
I come from cold 17 Bean soup that Sat in the bowl while I Sat at the table
and requesting Pop-pop’s Mac & Cheese ever year for my Birthday Dinner
I come from being caught Red handed with dirt-fresh Carrots
and “pony chee” stories from my Mom
I come from listening to Pat pray the Rosary with the lights dimmed low
and Dreaming of being just like her when I Grew up
I come from homemade dinner every Night
and a “Smorgishboard” at the end of each week
I come from Hand-Me-Down clothes
and sparkling New shoes at the beginning of every school year
I come from homemade Hats, Mittens, and Scarves every winter
and an old trunk on the porch full of Baseball gloves to Pass the summer days
I come from hunting for acorns on the ground,
and elephants in the trees- while holding your hand
I am shaped by these moments that I Resist letting go of as these memories fade into “Childhood”