Graduation Poem
By: Eric Fraley
Here today
Here we sit
Class of 2017
Amongst our friends
Our fellow classmates
Teachers and staff
It’s hard but…
Now that so much time has passed
We must admit
The highs and lows
Of these four years
Came and went
Beginning to end
Our time here went by so very quick
As for our teachers
They only know
How in the beginning,
We may have been dim
But with their support
We began to glow
So we would like to say thanks
Because of you
We’re now able to burn brightly
All on our own
Because of you
Who knows the journeys we’ll travel
Or the places we’ll go
These four years may not have been easy
But that's made us stronger
That's helped us grow
To ourselves and our teachers
We now owe
A continued pursuit of excellence
On the paths we take
And for others
The paths we chose
It’s our turn now
To be the future
It is to the whole world that we must show
The skills we've learned and the knowledge we've earned
It is our time now to take the first steps
Towards our destiny
With our own two feet
For us to do what we have to do
For those of you with heavy hearts
And for those who feel this is the end of a small part of your life
It’s true
But it’s also a new start
In our own two hands is a fate in which we are holding
As we’re getting older
As we are growing
One by one
Our fingers begin unfolding
leaving hand prints on history
Touching hearts and minds
On the road to our destiny
We must now leave some friends behind
But do not be saddened
Do not fret
For they too
Have roads that they must find
We now all have one great mountain that we must conquer
That we must climb
Do not dare give in
Don’t dare give up
They are our own two hands
We must now guide ourselves to that mountain top
We may make mistakes
We may fall
But because of our time here
We’ve learned to rise again
To stand tall
I hope you enjoyed your years here as much as I did
And as you begin the next step of your lives
I wish the best of luck to you all.