Good Days End Bad!

Mon, 04/08/2019 - 12:02 -- Weestro

Good days end bad.

So sad that these days don't last.

I wish time stopped for one day so we all could live in forever.

Never worry tomorrow.

Just live in a day.

But time shall pass.

So sad that these good days end bad.

It's a blessing to wash your face.

But It's bad when you gotta watch out for snakes.

Throwing shade at open hands.

Never envy the ones that help thee.

Who show lead. 

Who stands for what they believe. 

So sad a friend seen a friend passaway

the day he gets home. 

Who only wanted to see a friend he hasn't seen in so long. 

I see why folks say "the good times are gone".

Because good days end bad. 

So sad.





                                                                                      W. Johnson.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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