
Fri, 08/23/2013 - 16:43 -- Liz21


Those nights, weeks, months

Were never ending torture

Because that night I saw you naked

Was my greatest shame.


That first night

You said you could

Give me my first kiss

Which was supposed to be

A wonderful experience.


I was only 16 years old.


You leaned in and smashed my face

Toward yours

So close I could feel your warmth

I knew this wasn't right

I did tell you no

But you never stopped

I never got the break I wished for.


The you were in my bed

With no clothes on

You taking off mine

You touching me

In places I never been touched before

Us trying to be quiet

My parents might hear us

Making love they call it

But this was called something else.


NO!! I don't WANT to!!

When you just kept

Sticking your hard dick inside of me

It hurt so much, I wanted to cry.


Right then,

As I gathered up my thoughts

As I saw you leaving my bedroom

I shut the door,

And realized then,

That my virginity was GONE.

I can never get it back

Because you took it away from me.


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