Goddess and the beast
She was a goddess walking the earth with fragile,confident footsteps.
He walked the earth with monstrous loud steps.
Her path was straight and focused
His curved in and searched the earth like a violent locust.
And they walked and walked on
different paths
And their paths met soon at last.
Her beauty attracted his hunger
And blinded by poor judgement,she fell into his trap.
"Be careful of those wolves that disguise themselves as sheep"you proclaimed fooled by your "wisdom" She followed you into your lion's den.
A fragile gazelle on the path of a starving lion,her world slowly caved in.
The goddess became a slave
of his intimidation and hate.
She lost her gentle flow and walked with hate the world.
Days/years passed and she slowly died away
And he made sure that trapped she stayed.
An angel walked the world with angelic footsteps
Sent with a mission he came to
To rescue the goddess and landed on the monsters doorsteps.
With wisdom and care he won the battle
The goddess broke loose with a sudden brattle.
Their eyes met and fell in love,
Instead of departing the world the angel and goddess transformed and remained and walk among us now.
With their love shining bright and strong,that kind of true love that shines forevermore.