God-Given Beauty
My beauty in God is found
The opinions of the world don't get me down
I don't wear the latest fashion
For finding beauty in God is my passion
I won't mask my face with color or shine
I'd rather claim God's beauty as mine
I don't fit in a size zero dress
But this causes me no stress
To what my outside in this world amounts
Holds no bearing on my inside where it truly counts
I'm not afraid of the mirror
Because in my head a verse I hear
It tells me God knit me together in my mother's womb
By remembering this I am leaving the Devil no room
To enter my life where beauty is concerned
Away from the world's standards I've turned
Why should I place any value on what people say
When I know God made me to look this way
My eyes are brown; my hair is red
God knows the number of which cover my head
I'm a social butterfly
And I don't have to ask why
God-given beauty isn't hard to find
You just have to weigh the options in your mind
The world's standards are no match for me
When I look to God to find true beauty