God Forbid
When I look at myself in the mirror
and think that I could destroy the world
and graffiti the sky
all in a single day
I leave my makeup drawer untouched
and wear bright red converse
to show how I could kick anyone’s ass
right here, right now
without breaking a sweat.
But other days I look at myself
and see a broken girl
with monsters in her head
and stardust burned into her skin.
So I fill my gaze with kohl
and a dusting of mascara;
I spread red across my lips like blood
and wear high heels I normally wouldn’t
just so I don’t feel powerless.
And I will personally
rip out the still-beating heart
of anyone who asks “why are you all
dressed up? Is it for a guy?”
Because God-forbid
that I should want to feel good
about myself.
I take the time to do my hair
and makeup
on the days I look in the mirror
and feel weak.