God Doesn't Make Mistakes
They say
“God doesn't make mistakes”
as a way of telling us we're wrong
for wanting – No – For needing to be ourselves.
It's not a mistake that I'm transgender.
How could it be a mistake
that I belong to such an amazing community?
Full of folks who've encouraged me
to do what's right in my life
no matter what the world thinks
And to never stop fighting for justice.
That's all part of the plan.
The mistake is in social conditioning
Which teaches us that sex and gender are the same thing
Which teaches us that there are only two genders
and you can tell which one a person is just by looking at them
Which teaches us to feel awkward about asking how to refer to someone even
if we really aren't sure.
I'm striving to live authentically
Just as God intended
They say
“God doesn't make mistakes”
I say
“Of course They don't”