Gluttons of Glory
"Tremendous trifles of truffles galore!"
Tumultuous traffic fills the rage within
But the hand that which causes gore
Stuffed the stomach
Of that hand
Which unwrapped
And littered the ground
The pile that had once started from the floor
Is now knee high in guilt
Guilt that is not felt for the right reason
But for gluttony of ones wanting
Want more, want thin, want taste, want money
Must want
Always want
Until want is replaced with need
Need more, need thin, need taste, need money
Must need
Always need
And within this transition
The root of the word need is lost in the pile of wrappers
Now up to the height of their shoulders
When needs arent met, blood is shed
The hand at which only feels guilt for the fat it eats
Leaving the spit that was spat in our faces sticky and fresh