Glass Dreams and a Broken Heart PART 2

The moon loved the sun,
More than anyone.
And the moon fell just as fast,
As her love had lasted.


Cosmic affair,
Of two souls.
Lost in limbo,
In the starlit coals.


Infinity reached forward,
To the pale arm of a stranger.
Oblivion regarded as such,
Felt the rise of a wager.


My love,
Will let me miss you.
If not,
I will not miss you.


Infinity accepted,
Forming something.
A...piece of paper?
Not a shiny thing.


Oblivions contest,
Was always answered.
With rings and jewels,
But not this time.


On this note,
Crinkled alive.
But she read.


My heart
Cannot buy yours.
As love
Can't be ignored.


I can only have it
If you give it.
Only if you desire
To let me watch over it.


Take care of it
And listen to it.
Love it
And wish upon it.


I could form stars
And galaxies.
Make a ring for you
From a thousand seas.


But that's not
The way to get a heart.
No, not at all,
It's the wrong start.


With a word,
Formed by my lips.
I will sing,
From the frozen wisps.


My love,
Is strong like you.
But gifts,
Are a meaningless few.


I give you myself,
Not a priceless jewel.
Only myself,
And Nothing less.


Is where true love lies.
To look into another's eyes.


Take this note,
And think.
If you love me,
Then I'll be here.


If not,
I'll wait for you.
Beyond eternity,
Within the ruins.


I'll wait for you.
As I always have.
And always,


With one glance,
Her love was proven.
One graceful lance,
Of complete movement.


But then...
Infinity was gone.
Even love,
As powerful as steel.


Can't break the drift,
From time and extinction.
Infinity and oblivion,
Eternal love lost in humanity.


The only reason,
We love.
Is because,
They are denied love.


Why is my love,
More than theirs?
Why must I breathe,
When they drown?


To not love,
Is to die.
To not love,
Is a lie.


I've fought too long,
This bitter fight.
One punch too many,
For this life.


With truth,
Comes reality.
With dreams,
Comes destruction.


The fantasy,
The legend.
In a second.


Can last a moment.
One breath,
An endless torrent.


I breathed,
Only water.
While everyone else,
Breathed in the sky.


I found myself,
Losing myself in,
The labyrinth.


A maze,
That intertwined my mind.
The one,
That coiled my heart.


Off we go,
Into the valley,
Of the shadow,
Of death.


No "God,"
To guide me.
Just a woman,
With a look.


A look that I knew,
More than anyone else.
Because it's the way I saw,
And still even now.


A woman,
Left destroyed.
Just Oblivion,
And her broken heart.


A broken heart,
Wrapped in a crinkled note.
In between the lines it read,
"...You won..."


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