Glass Dreams and a Broken Heart PART 1

Crystal lights hang down,
From the ceiling.
Dull as smoke,
Because they're dreaming.

Another night,
Spent wasted.
Lost at home
A bottle chased.

Stalling the air,
Till there's no breathing.
Forgotten hopes,
No, I'm still seeing.

Seeing my fate,
Written in the sand.
Unable to buy or sell,
No supply or demand.

Trial and error,
Till I made the right choice.
Fighting the battle,
For my voice.

My voice however,
Was not in a shell.
But in a lost beat,
Within a dungeon cell.

Gone in the wind,
Of frozen exile.
Tremors of my mind,
In a lost mile.

Lost and forgotten,
Unable to see.
Unable to hear,
Unable to breathe.

Memories lost,
Like fallen stars.
Just glimpses,
Through the dark.

Shed a breath,
Into the nothingness.
Fester within,
A life just as hopeless.

Shambles of Heaven,
Fall every day.
It started when,
I found my way.

The Heaven,
That doesn't exist.
The myth,
That hides in the mist.

Mother Nature,
Embraces and consumes.
Like a fire,
And the fumes.

Sometimes I wonder,
Should I breathe?
When I have the chance,
To just leave?

The question,
That I'm haunted by.
The living ghost,
That sucks me dry.

Darkness and hurt,
Only despair.
Everywhere at once,
I'm willing to share.

My labyrinth,
Dead and alive.
Swarming souls,
Like a wounded hive.

Searching endlessly,
For unrequited life.
Just another dead end,
Of dismembered skies.

Sleep the dreams away,
Till there's nothing left.
Mouths stitched closed,
Drying as quickly as they bled.

Smoke in the distance,
Of corroded fantasies.
Shimmering like flames,
Whispered over the seas.

Secrets in the dark,
With fingers over our lips.
Quieting the stark,
Void of endless silence.

Listen carefully,
To the sound of the sky.
Watch woefully,
As it bleeds from your eye.

Without my heart,
I lived without fear.
Without my heart,
I lived without me.

That's the dream.
Beyond the seams.

Sewn sullenly,
Into an angel's wings.
The seamstress,
Working a thousand strings.

Can you hear,
The thump of thunder?
The sliver of lightning,
Sinking the sky asunder.

The hand of a false god,
Raking fingers trough the earth.
Blowing out the candle,
Our brass titan hearth.



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