At a glance...
Years are
Engraved on the forehead
Eroded by concealer
Souls are
Peering from the eyes
Blocked by avoidance
Ignorance is
Spoken boastfully
To those who will listen
Pain is
Trying not to cry
And succeeding
Thoughts are
Mirrored by expression
Covered by excuse
Experiences are
Shown as scars
Hidden by clothing
Determination is
Measured in footsteps
Corrupted by surrender
Love is
Willing to go far
Beliefs are
Worn with pride
Behind a wall of cautiousness
Whispers are
Sharing secrets
Or spite
Happiness is
Felt inside
Beneath the hatred
Wisdom is
Going right
But sometimes left
In the beginning
We are open books
But we close ourselves up
And wear covers to deceive
Waiting for someone
To make the effort
And read our story
Without giving the cover
A glance