Give Me a Reason
As a child I was told everything happens for a reason
So when bad things happen I come to question myself
What did I do
What did I do a 6 year old child do to be thrown off a porch
without a second glance
As I looked her with sad eyes expecting a second chance
What did i an 8 year old girl do to deserve to be vigorously violated robbed of the only valuable thing i had to offer to a grown man
And i sit face in my hands as I'm told I am not a victim and I shouldn’t pretend that i am
What did I do to deserve the treatment I got …
What's the someone explain why I should have to stop and retrace my whole existence to find a reason for my mistreatment
why I have to explain my emotions to those who could care less
Somebody give me the reason
Why I feel like a cloud that rains on everyone's parade
Weights tied to the feet of the drowning man trying to climb his way to his last breath
Why do I feel like death is the only release from pain
My umbrella in the rain
somebody please explain why I run in an endless cycle in attempt to escape my own thoughts
And no matter how fast I go I always seem to get caught